
An Overview of Chronic Prostatitis

Inflammation in your prostate gland is called prostatitis, there are two types of prostatitis, one is acute prostatitis and the other is chronic prostatitis. The latter one will be talked more in this article.

Chronic prostatits and chronic bacterial prostatitis are two main types of chronic prostatitis. A quite common disease chronic prostatits is actually. During their life, at some point, about 2 men in 10 will have chronic prostatits. Men of any age can be affected by the disease and men between the ages of 30-50 get infected the most commonly. Chronic prostatits or CPPS is gotten by about 9 in 10 men with chronic prostatits. The rate for patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis is about 1 in 10 men, when compared with the rate of patients with chronic prostatits or CPPS, it is rare.
While you are waiting for your appointment with a specialist, one or more of the fllowing treatments will be suggested by your GP in the meantime. The pain can be eased by ibuprofen or paracetamol as painkillers. When passing stools, if it is difficult or painful, for help, laxatives may be used. It may be helpful to use a four-week course antibiotics. Within the previous year, if you had an episode of acute prostatits or UTI, your doctor will suggest you use antibiotics. At present, it should be made absolutely sure that there is no infection.
Some ways are also helpful sometimes, like explanation and reassurance. Prostate cancer may be the disease which is serious worried by some people. Symptoms can be worse by anxiety and worry. So knowing the existence of chronic prostatitis and not some other disease may be useful. But for some time, discomfort or pain which are likely to continue will have to be accepted by you.
Treatments which are suitable for chronic prostatits are a longer course of antibiotics, removal of the prostate and TCM. A course which is longer may be suggested by your specialist if after a four-week course of antibiotics, your symptoms have not cleared for your chronic bacterial prostatitis which is suspected by the specialist. Also in your prostate, if there are stones which are small considered by your doctor, you will have prostate removal. The reason for in chronic bacterial prostatits, some people having recurrent infections may be these stones which are small, this is suggested by the doctor to help you even the effect is not clear. But this is not suitable in everyone and it is not carried out commonly. For the TCM, which is called Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, this way is the best way to cure your chronic prostatits for no side effect or drug resistance, herbs inside the TCM are safe like food we eat, often patients can be cured within several months, and if they do well preventions and take the TCM as the doctor said, they will never get it again in the future.

